Wishlist spring - StyleWe

Have you ever made the stupid questions like: what to wear to a funeral? What to wear for the first date? Well to me it happens especially in Springs because it is difficult to find suitable clothes. In a few days it will be spring and change our wardrobe with colorful clothes! Today I show you my wish-list created on StyleWe site for a spring clothing.

First of all I apologize for my bad English! 🙊 Now we might as well get started 😆

The first item of clothing that I show off the shoulder crop top. Fresh and colorful for Spring!

Sooner or later I take a skirt! What better season if not the Spring? This Minnie style, I love it! Maybe combined with a black shirt!

I think the perfect shoes to wear this season are the Heels. Those choices by me have a soft color, to wear for the day but also for the evening.
If we lived in Australia this would be a beautiful dress for the Christmas party holidays! Fresh and lively fabric with this dress we feel the Star!

Thank you for reading this article 💓

I invite you to also view other shop: JustFashionNow

Ciaoo Gioie 💋


  1. great wishlist that shoe i love it

  2. Amazing wishlist dear! Perfect for spring! :)

  3. Ma sono troppo fresche e divertenti le cose che hai scelto! Adoro tutto, soprattutto top e scarpe! ;)



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